Robotic Ai advance (L) SAT PM 2:30-4:10

  • Robotics, Computer programming
7964 Arjons Dr, San Diego, CA 92126, USA
Mar 23 2019
Mar 23 2021


  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 


2:30 PM - 4:10 PM



Robotic_AI Level 1/ 1st Semester Consist of 3 Months
Robots and robotic related programming have been introduced to children's education for a long time, while nowadays artificial intelligence has raised up quickly and quite a lot of fields of research in AI are focusing on the robotics area. To make your children be prepared for the future, our robotic_AI Level 1 class will provide teaching materials of AI trend introduction and machine learning (the most common technique that is used for recent AI projects) application. "Robotic_AI Level 1" would include 3 different courses (Lv.111 -> Lv.112 -> Lv.113), and each course is 1 month (4 weeks). Each course contains four parts as following:
1. Programming platform (environment) practice
2. Robotic programming practice
3. AI knowledge introduction and AI block application on this programming platform
4. Robotic projects

Robotic Programming & AI

Robotic Programming AI
• Our school is teaching robotic programming, specifically focusing on artificial intelligence applications. We try to make traditional robotic class systematically and better prepared for the future study in high school or even university. Programming, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, and math will also be contained.
• By learning robotic programming AI courses, students will gain the capability of scientific thinking, mathematical inference ability, programming skills and passion of teamwork. At the end of each level, a fancy projector competition will be holden encouraging students for further exploration.


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Robotic_AI Level 1/  1st Semester Consist of 3 Months
Robots and robotic related programming have been introduced to children's education for a long time, while nowadays artificial intelligence has raised up quickly and quite a lot of fields of research in AI are focusing on the robotics area. To make your children be prepared for the future, our robotic_AI Level 1 class will provide teaching materials of AI trend introduction and machine learning (the most common technique that is used for recent AI projects) application. "Robotic_AI Level 1" would include 3 different courses (Lv.111 -> Lv.112 -> Lv.113), and each course is 1 month (4 weeks). Each course contains four parts as following:
1.    Programming platform (environment) practice
2.    Robotic programming practice
3.    AI knowledge introduction and AI block application on this programming platform
4.    Robotic projects

   Robotic Programming & AI
 Robotic Programming AI
       • Our school is teaching robotic programming, specifically focusing on artificial intelligence applications. We try to make traditional robotic class systematically and better prepared for the future study in high school or even university. Programming, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, and math will also be contained.
• By learning robotic programming AI courses, students will gain the capability of scientific thinking, mathematical inference ability, programming skills and passion of teamwork. At the end of each level, a fancy projector competition will be holden encouraging students for further exploration.

  Level 1
      • Robotic AI Level 1 class will introduce the graphics programming platform to students. It will also provide teaching materials of AI trend and basic knowledge of machine learning (the most common technique that is used for recent AI projects). Intuitive robotic projects will be illustrated and taught as well.

         Level 111 (Monthly)
These lessons will introduce graphics programming environment like scratch released by MIT. Easy blocks and the first step of basic functional modules (LED, sensors, Bluetooth, etc.) will be illustrated to the students. Students will be shown the applications of AI nowadays as well. Each week there will be one project launched for practice.
Level 112
A deeper discussion of AI applications will be holden in the class. New programming blocks are going to be taught with mathematical skills. Students start to learn the system functions at first glance. Different types of variables can help them to make more flexible robots than before.

         Level 113
Students should gain a full understanding of the basic m-bot. Most graphics programming blocks will be taught and tested thoroughly. Students tend to learn the powerful ability of the data and rudimentary to gain the idea of how artificial intelligence works using data. Some complicated algorithms are going to be introduced like bubble sorting or binary tree searching, etc. Open projects will be introduced the first time to make students figure out the solution in a practical way.
Level 113 E
Level 113 E is short for "Engineering". It is the first class for students to build up their own robots. They are going to learn both mechanical structures and basic circuit knowledge. Our sophisticated instructors could lead the students to achieve their first robot.

  Level 2
    • Robotic_AI Level2class contains more practical information for robotic projects. Students will apply the knowledge they got from the previous level to complicated tasks with advanced robots.
• Additional sensors and more difficult mathematical skills are going to be used. Students will learn how to use AI graphic blocks for robot controls and data analysis.

         Level 211
An upgraded robot compared to Level 1 will be used in this class. New sensors will be introduced and applied to the project. Students will gain a deeper understanding of AI trend and they are going to be taught write academic proposal and industrial plan as being the tech company. New changeling robotic projects are released every week.
Level 212 AA
Level 212 AA is short for AI and Application. By learning so much knowledge in robot parts such as sensors, LED indicators, motors, and screens, some openly minded applications could be launched. Students will be taught to think for the future and to set up a smart system for the scientific purpose. Physics, chemistry, geology, and biology might be involved and be seen in a totally new point of view.
         Level 213 E
Students will learn to assemble m-bot and burning firmware for it. They will know clearly of this robot from coding to assembling. Every single part on the Arduino board will be taught and triggered. They will gain a deep understanding of the whole system by finishing this class meeting.
  Level 3
       • Robotic_AI Level 3 class is the first level that students will use text-based programming platform to control the robot. Further applied math knowledge will be learned for robots' professional actions.
• New multifunctional robots like drones and hover boats will be exposed to students. High-level students could have more chance to build and manufacture their own robots by learning engineer knowledge.
         Level 311
For students who have higher demand in robotic projects, Level 311 is the very good beginning. Kids will transfer their platform from scratch/m-block to Arduino IDE/ raspberry Pi Noobs(Raspbian). An introduction of text-based coding and algorithm would be explained and new projects for robots will be exposed.
Level 311 P
For students who have no or less coding background, a 311 Programming class can be a pre-conditional practice so that they can go through basic concepts of python/C/C++ for robotic programming within several weeks. If some of these students are interested in further programming and game development classes, there will be more open positions especially for them.
Level 312
New types of advanced robots will be introduced. Students can use IDE and OS to program on these robots and learn burning firmware to the board. Some basic computer architecture knowledge will be taught and students have the chance to approach single board (Arduino uno) programming and assembling.

         Level 312 M
For students who intended to apply fancy math to programming, this course will lead them to a new algorithm world. Students will try to use the data structure to create a new approach for previous programmings. The algorithm will be applied on Scratch/m- block/C/C++/Python, etc. Some machine learning algorithm will be taught the first time as a magic trick.
Level 313
Students with new knowledge of controlling robots will have a chance to remote further advance robots with different forms. Basic drone control and hover experiments would be launched. Students can explore more information in this world by flying and swimming. Dynamic control using the program will be shown and explained briefly.

  Level 4
      • From this level, the students have already got enough information for most of the routine projects. Students will be encouraged to create life inventions.
• Somemachinelearningtrickswill is used to make the invention more powerful. Students can apply new taught AI methods to solve new problems.

         Level 411 P
If students who don't have a strong background of python or MATLAB, our school will provide more practice for coding in these two specific environments. Python and MATLAB are widely used in machine learning areas nowadays, and they are quite easy to start and become an expert for just using them. Students will learn to use python and MATLAB to do easy data visualization and prediction. This is the prerequisite for future study in AI robotic.
Level 412 AA
Smart houses are quite popular now, why not build up your own? This lesson will introduce a smart lifestyle with a different asset. Smart trash-can, smart fan, smart furniture, vacuum cleaning robot, and AI speech control house system, etc. will be introduced and built up by them.

         Level 413 M
High-level geometry will be taught for future digital arm systems. The first time 3D coordinate introduction will be taught using graphics programming language. Basic computer graphics could be taught simultaneously. Students will also apply openCL to generate 3D graphs to better understand geometric knowledge.
Level 413, 414
Students will write code specifically for robotic arms with digital sensors on joints. The automatic delivery system will be launched by several robotic arms. A camera will also be applied for message passing. Students can build up their own logistic network after this course.

  Level 511 E
    • Inlevel511Engineerclass, students will be taught to transform existing robots to other forms. Some printing and writing machines will be assembled and run precisely.
• Therearealsosomeprojectslikenoise detection, light pollution detection, digital arms and magic mirror projects, etc. The last project will be building up your own 3D printer, which is challenging and interesting.
       • Level511
• Classof500leveliswelldesignedforstudentswhoare really talented and passionate in robotic coding and artificial intelligence. Students will use pre-built fancy and practical robot to finish real world job.
• Precisionandaccuracyarerequiredsothatmore engineering tests would be applied in this course. The target is to build up and tune a commercial like a machine which can really finish jobs.
       • Level512,512M
• Newalgorithmrealtedtomachinelearningwillbe introduced and deeply researched. Students who finish this course can write at least one machine learning model.
• Basicimageprocessingwillbeexplainedandprogrammed on platform MATLAB, which is a so-called matrix lab, designed only for high-end calculation in linear algebra. For students who have the energy to spare, we will try to let them apply the machine learning model to real problems.
       • Level513,513AA
• StudentswhoarefamiliarwithMATLABorpython language now will be asked to import and call different packages of AI functions. These functions can be used to detect the face, detect handwriting, understand speech meanings or re-construct the 3D model.
• Studentswhouserobotsandserverswillapplythese functions for real tasks like self-driving cars simulation - basic.
 Level 611
       • Basicintroductionindeeplearning and big data in python and MATLAB. Students will try to write their own code for simple business problems.
• Forstudentswhoareinterestedin robots, dynamic control of robots/ drones/ hover-boat using AI method will be explained, and students will have a chance to program on them.

      • Level612L
• Studentswillhaveachancetogotouniversitylabrelated to AI (machine learning, computer vision, speech processing, etc).
• AIlabandclubatsomeuniversitieslocallywillbeopen for students who enrolled in this class. Students will gain a pre-experience in academic life.
       Level 613 AA
• OpenprojectforAI.Teachingandlearningnewestpaper in AI so that they can try the front end of research nowadays.



Participants must currently be 6 years to 14 years old.

Registration period

Registration starts on 03/02/2019 and ends on 03/23/2021.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

In-person location

7964 Arjons Dr, San Diego, CA 92126, USA
Registration closed.